an inside look:

Hoe ziet een dag bij Trailblazers eruit?

Blue City • Rotterdam

Hoe ziet een dag bij Trailblazers eruit? In dit artikel nemen we je mee door een inspirerende dag van het programma. Dit keer verzamelde de groep zich op een innovatieve en unieke locatie in Rotterdam: Blue City. Dit voormalige Tropicana zwembad is tegenwoordig omgetoverd tot een broedplaats voor de circulaire economie en fungeerde als een inspirerende uitvalsbasis. De deelnemers volgden twee waardevolle workshops van pioniers in de impact-sector, kregen inside information About the history of the property and more...


Skadi Mobius on measuring impact

The day kicked off with a workshop and keynote by Skadi Mobius, founder of Move to Impact. With her company, Skadi sets companies in motion to become a connected and sustainable organization, and her mission is to make as much impact as possible. One way she does this is through the power of female leadership, corporate experience en moed te integreren in het impact ondernemerschap.

As a pioneer in the impact sector, Skadi has gained a lot of valuable experience and knowledge about measuring impact and impact registration. Among participants, measuring impact is a hot topic and so Skadi took the group - during the workshop - through three key pillars in this task: 

  1. Measurement = knowledge;
  2. Use correct and sustainable parameters;
  3. Make results attractive and clearly understandable to all stakeholders.                                                                                             

Finally, the participants were allowed to work with this information and were given the exercise of mapping the impact of their own case. Skadi's body was asked and the participants were energized by the insights of this morning. Participant Laura told us at the end of the workshop: "As CSR manager within a large organization we are confronted with new legislation from Brussels and The Hague every year. Skadi's training and keynote have given me very current and relevant insights".



Sustainable, circular entrepreneurs in a former pool paradise

After Skadi's workshop, lunch was shared, and led by a Blue City employee, the tour of the property began. From the former machine room to the current event venue and from the old club to a number of impactful initiatives, different corners of the property were visited.

During the tour, participants were inspired by the many sustainable, circular entrepreneurs in the building. They viewed fungi being developed as insulation materials, discussed the circular practices of a brewery in the building and took a look at an entrepreneur growing algae as a substitute for meat. Finally, the tour concluded in the central area of the old swimming pool. The iconic and impressive location - where swimming used to be possible - was captured on photo by the participants. The group then returned to the workshop space for the remainder of the program.



Trailblazers coach Melodi Tamarzians speaking during the training day

In the afternoon, a workshop by Trailblazers coach Melodi Tamarzians was scheduled. To give the group new, fresh energy, Melodi started the workshop with a energizer. Three participants were called forward and each was given a random product: a jar of salt, a glitter shoe, a wool cap ... you name it. And the challenge? Sell the product right now in a sixty-second pitch. The timer was set and several creative stories and sales techniques surfaced within seconds.

After the pitches, Melodi took over again and put her years of experience as a trainer and change agent to use to educate the participants on change management and pitching. Thus, the first The stages of behavior change addressed. Questions such as "How do you communicate with a group that is in different stages of change?", "How do you categorize a target group?" and "What means do you use to best communicate with your target group?" were considered. This immediately got the participants thinking and so they got to work applying the theory again to their own case study.

After the practical application to their own case, the group was faced with another practical task; all participants were given the opportunity to pitch their own case in preparation for the approaching co-creation café on program day 8. One by one, participants performed their pitch and were provided with feedback from Melodi. Issues considered included proper speaking style, good posture and which way of pitching suited each participant. At the same time, the group also wrote down their tips and tops to provide each other with feedback. Finally, the day ended together. With a beer in one hand and a lot of inspiration and knowledge in the other, the drinks were started.  


Like this group of participants, would you also like to develop yourself into a true impact leader? Or are you curious to learn more about the program or the training days? Please contact our coordinator Jan and he will be happy to tell you more about the Trailblazers program:
