During the Trailblazersflagship' programme, a group of 8 to 16 professionals pragmatically develop an impact-driven solution. From idea to impact. We call this Impact Driven New Business Development (ID-NBD). This can involve a product, service or process. The programme is therefore relevant and accessible for start-ups, SMEs and large companies. 

We select our participants to create a good balanced group with companies, self-employed, civil society and institutions. We also look for diversity and a complementary background in terms of knowledge and interests. After all, it is the collaboration of all facets of society that must form a symbiosis to make lasting, positive impact.

Het eerste Trailblazers-programma


The program is based on the S4C methodology, in which you work on a socially driven business case via an iterative process. The needs of the 'end user' are paramount in this approach. The method puts you into action mode, stepping out of your comfort zone and achieving results quickly and effectively. Since 2013, we have trained over 3,000 impact creators using this unique methodology.

We use the creative process and the group dynamics as tools to work on your personal development. For this we use our Impact Leadership Method and personal one-on-one coaching. This creates a stronger awareness of the participants themselves and a lasting effect of the Trailblazer-to-be on others and the environment.

Trailblazers alumni rate the programme coordinators and guidance with a 9


“The diversity and composition of the participants was particularly inspiring, pleasant and fun.”


"A very positive experience, gives inspiration and energy."


“My expectations have been exceeded! The programme gave me a lot of insights, regarding both my private life and at work.”

alumni score the quality of the training they received with an 8.4

The program

Training Day 1

We dot the Trailblazers lines and begin our journey of discovery together. We get to know each other and all the impact cases in more detail. Different impact frameworks and theories will also be discussed (such as the SDGs), an inspiring keynote will come along and we will close the day with a social drink.

Today we will dive deeper into your impact case. You will empathize with your stakeholders using the Design Thinking methodology and we will practice developing a growth mindset.

As a Trailblazer, you represent and embody "impact leadership" that guides us toward a more sustainable future. On day three we examine what skills you need, where you already stand and where you still want to develop. We also examine how you position yourself as an impact leader in relation to the norm and your own environment.

On the first day of the second block, we plunge into the next phase of Design Thinking. We give meaning to our research findings and formulate "the job to be done. We then design a prototype to test our impact case. We will visit inspiring impact entrepreneurs, receive a keynote and end the day with drinks on location.

Day five focuses on "facilitation for change. How do you get all stakeholders on board with your idea, innovation or solution? What system are you dealing with and how can you influence it? How do you successfully implement change?

On day six, it is time to analyze and interpret the test results. You have done a lot of retrieved information from the field. By taking the prototype to the next level, you take a big step toward the end result of your impact case. We conclude module two with dinner at an impact venue

Today we look at the intended positive change you want to bring about with your impact case and what assumptions go along with it. You will also learn how to communicate your story and successfully put your impact case into the world. We will meet at an impactful location in Eindhoven and we will once again host a leading speaker.

It is time to present the impact cases to a larger network. For this we invite colleagues, friends, family, your boss or co-workers. You will get feedback on your innovations in an active way and we will toast the steps we have made so far.

The last day is all about implementing your impact case. What steps do you still have to take, what challenges will still appear on your path and how can you overcome them? We will also celebrate the route taken and look back on the Trailblazers adventure together over a nice dinner.

Trainers & keynote speakers



Entrepreneurs, managers, team leaders, intrapreneurs, CSR/CSR coordinators, creatives, sustainability officers, SME directors.

Program Duration:

The full program includes 9 days (3 full days and 6 half days) spread over a period of 3 months.

  • 3 Fridays from 9 am - 5 pm
  • 6 Fridays from 12 am - 5 pm 
  • Module 1: 1, 8, 15 november 2024
  • Module 2: 29 november 6, 13 december 2024 
  • Module 3: 10, 17, 24 januari 2025

From 1 to max. 3 people per organization. We aim for a mixed group from the business, government and social domains.


Utrecht en sessies op locatie door heel NL.


Price includes all materials, 9x lunch and 3x diner.


8 - 12 hours per week.

Language of instruction:

Nederlands en Engels


€ 4.500,- p.p. (excl. btw) – early bird korting 10%


The Trailblazers program can also be given "in-house" in a modular format. This is recommended to groups of eight or more and usually for teams working either in different departments in a large organization or in similar roles internationally. The in-house programme serves alongside a business development track and a leadership track as a way to strengthen your company culture and integration.

The modules of the Trailblazers in-house program consist of the core module and three separate in-depth modules. The core module Impact & Sustainable Development (5 days) consists of four consecutive days and two afternoons. The in-depth modules (3 days) are Impact Leadership; Purpose & Positive Change; and Measuring Impact, Systems & Communication

An organization receives the Trailblazer seal of approval for 10 years when a group of eight people has completed the basic module and two of the in-depth modules within two years. The design of the programme can be tailor made by the Trailblazer team. The programme is available in both Dutch and English. Price and details on request.

Alumna Melissa

"A great experience"

Alumnus Wouter

"A super fun and valuable time for my personal and professional business development."

Review of the first program

The first Trailblazers program has officially concluded and we look back on an innovative, motivating and above all inspiring journey with the participants. Are you interested in learning more about the final assessments, two participants' personal experiences about this impact journey and the absolute highlights of the program? Then click on the button below to go to the article. 
