The impact journey has successfully come to an end.... 

It has now been 3 weeks since the end of the impact journey of the participants of the first Trailblazers program. The nine participants may call themselves - after completing the journey - an impact leader and may also soon receive their certificates. 

We look back on an innovative, motivating and, above all, inspiring journey with the participants. Therefore, it is now time to look back on this successful, first-ever Trailblazers program. For what were the participants' final reactions and ratings? What will they take away from the program in their further impact journey? And what were the absolute highlights of the journey? You can read this and more in the article.

How did participants rate the program? 

After the program, we asked the participants about their experiences. We received many positive and nice comments - which put a smile on our faces. You can read some of these reviews below. 

The quality and program guidance:

  • The quality of the program is rated 8 or higher by participants;
  • The Trailblazers program guidance is rated by alumni with a 9/10 average. 


How do I make an impact? 

  • The statement, "I have a better sense and idea of how to make more impact," was answered "true" by 100% of participants.


Making an impact and self-knowledge

  • 100% of participants reported that by participating in the program they "made more impact through their work.
  • 87.5% of alumnus report increased self-knowledge as a result of participation.

Participants Anke and Melissa on their experiences

To look back with the participants, we also spoke to alumnus Anke and Melissa about their experiences. For example, Anke says: "The program came at the right time in my life". Anke is active in the public sector and really stepped out of her comfort zone during the program. "I'm proud that so many weeks later I can give a pitch on my initiative and have made my own ideas visually visible in an attractive way. Not that I'm there now, but these are successes that I can get heard and seen." 

Melissa also experienced the program as very positive. She let us know: "It was a great experience and it also broadened my horizons." As Project Coordinator at Stichting Present Amsterdam, she was eager to gain new knowledge and give something back directly. She certainly succeeded: "My expectations have definitely been met. My network has increased, my knowledge in the field of CSR has improved and I have also been able to share my knowledge and skills directly in practice." 

An accumulation of highlights

The program was an intense and inspiring impact journey with an accumulation of highlights. Both personally and professionally, our participants experienced several highlights, but according to program coordinator Jan van Veelen, a number of special, overarching events stand out: 

It was the first to really succeed in creating a close-knit group feeling from day one. Because of the diversity of the group, I think that was a great achievement and everyone contributed personally. It also ensured that learning and development could take place with depth, and participants could step well outside their comfort zone in a safe way. 

Second, we had a total of nine training days, at six different locations and in three cities. All these impactful locations were inspiring and really contributed to the overall program. So a real impact train! 

Finally, we had a diverse group of participants. There were participants with their own business, but also participants who work for existing organizations, both in the public and commercial sector. This made for a great mix of experiences, talents and a great network.

We conclude this first Trailblazers program very successfully and look forward to the second program starting April 12. So, are you a manager, department head or entrepreneur from the commercial or public sector and would you also like to work with an impact case in an active way? And do you - like the participants - want to develop yourself as an impact leader? Then click on the button below for more information and contact Jan van Veelen with any questions.
